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Upcoming Market Updates: NZD, JPY, GBP, EUR , USD
NZD: Current Account, it measures Difference in value between imported and exported goods, services, income flows, and unilateral transfers during the previous quarter.
JPY: Core Machinery Orders m/m, it measures Change in the total value of new private-sector purchase orders placed with manufacturers for machines, excluding ships and utilities.
JPY: Revised Industrial Production m/m, It’s a leading indicator of economic health – production reacts quickly to ups and downs in the business cycle and is correlated with consumer conditions such as employment levels and earnings.
GBP: CPI y/y, it measures Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers.
GBP: Core CPI y/y, it measures Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers, excluding the volatile food, energy, alcohol, and tobacco items.
GBP: PPI Input m/m, it measures Change in the price of goods and raw materials purchased by manufacturers.
GBP: PPI Output m/m, it measures Change in the price of goods sold by manufacturers.
GBP: RPI y/y, it measures Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers for the purpose of consumption.
GBP: HPI y/y, it measures Change in the selling price of homes.
EUR: Industrial Production m/m, it measures Change in the total inflation-adjusted value of output produced by manufacturers, mines, and utilities.
CAD: Manufacturing Sales m/m, it measures Change in the total value of sales made by manufacturers.
USD: PPI m/m, it measures Change in the price of finished goods and services sold by producers.
USD: Core PPI m/m, it measures Change in the price of finished goods and services sold by producers, excluding food and energy.
USD: Crude Oil Inventories, it measures Change in the number of barrels of crude oil held in inventory by commercial firms during the past week.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]