Market News


July 29, 2022
Upcoming Market Updates: JPY, AUD, EUR, CHF, GBP, CAD

Upcoming Market Updates: JPY, AUD, EUR, CHF, GBP, CAD JPY: Prelim Industrial Production m/m, It’s a leading indicator of economic health – production reacts quickly to ups and downs in the business cycle and is correlated with consumer conditions such as employment levels and earnings. JPY: Retail Sales y/y, It’s the primary gauge of consumer

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July 28, 2022
Upcoming Market Updates: NZD, AUD, EUR, USD

Upcoming Market Updates: NZD, AUD, EUR, USD NZD: ANZ Business Confidence, it measures level of a diffusion index based on surveyed manufacturers, builders, retailers, agricultural firms, and service providers. AUD: Import Prices q/q, it measures change in the price of goods purchased by importers. AUD: Retail Sales m/m, it measures change in the total value

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July 27, 2022
Upcoming Market Updates: GBP, AUD, EUR, CHF, USD

Upcoming Market Updates: GBP, AUD, EUR, CHF, USD GBP: BRC Shop Price Index y/y, it measures change in the price of goods purchased at BRC-member retail stores. AUD: CPI q/q, it measures change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers. AUD: Trimmed Mean CPI q/q, it measures change in the price of

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July 26, 2022
Upcoming Market Updates : JPY, GBP, USD

Upcoming Market Updates : JPY, GBP, USD JPY: Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes, It’s a detailed record of the BOJ Policy Board’s meeting, providing in-depth insights into the economic conditions that influenced their decision on where to set interest rates. JPY: SPPI y/y, It’s a leading indicator of consumer inflation – when corporations pay more for

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July 25, 2022
Upcoming Market Updates : EUR, GBP

Upcoming Market Updates : EUR, GBP EUR: German info Business Climate, It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and changes in their sentiment can be an early signal of future economic activity such as spending, hiring, and investment. GBP: CBI Industrial Order Expectations, It’s a leading indicator of

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