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Pamm Xtrememarkets - xtrememarkets



Successful Trader can become PAMM MANAGER!

Invest with Confindence

Achieve your Financial Goal by becoming xtreme Markets Ltd PAMM Investor


PAMM or Percentage Allocation Money Management is a management module that conducts managed accounts on behalf of the investor performed by the account manager. Meaning that through the account managers, the individual investor has an opportunity to invest in trading strategy and receive potential gains even through a quite small amount of capital under the agreed terms between the parties.

How it works ?

A manager creates a PAMM account, starts trading and designs his proposal for investors. Investors choose a manager in the PAMM account ratings and invest money in their account.


PAMM Managers

  • No additional costs
  • Manage multiple accounts from a single account without creating an investment fund.
  • Enjoy large volumes & Tighter control to maximize returns.
  • Customizable fee structures: set performance, management and other types of fees.
  • Flexible commission system for managers


  • Opportunity to earn income without being an expert.
  • Replicate the performance of one or more successful trading strategy.
  • No need to rent a VPS
  • Risk diversification by building a portfolio of different strategies.
  • No Risk to get allocated pre-existing losses as the software calculates the NAV & distributes all Profit & Losses on an hourly basis.

Flexible Investment

Evaluate the Performance andinvest in their PAMM

Full control of your investment

Safety of Funds

Real Time Reporting

Instant Withdrawals

Excellent Customer Support